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Day five. We are rolling once again after being nabbed by a copper outside of Salem, OR. Damn, it always stings when the fuzz bring the heat down, turning your mellow morning drive into a steaming pile of regret.

But let’s not dwell on it. Let’s just fold the ticket up and tuck it away out of sight. It never happened. IT NEVER HAPPENED! Could they really charge us $287 twice? Once for the 80 in a 55 and once for expired proof of insurance? $287 appears twice on the ticket in two different spots marked “Base Fine #1” and “Base Fine #2.” They couldn’t do that, could they? Maybe it’s just $287 including the expired insurance card. Yes, that’s it. It must be. But anyway, donations to the Hawks Speeding Ticket Fund are tax deductible and can be made easily through Paypal to: info@iseehawks.com

And we were really falling in love with Oregon before that ticket. We turned off I-5 yesterday in Weed, CA and took US-97 up through Klamath Falls stopping for a tasty Vietnamese meal of Pho, Curry Noodles, Beef with Lime Leaf, and Spicy Tofu Soup. If it wasn’t for the bossy, over-bearing waiter the meal would’ve been perfect. Then it was up to Bend for an evening with PM’s old friends Sue and Brian. They have a lovely home on the lava fields below Mt. Bachelor. The air was so thick with pine it was disorienting. We Angelenos just are not used to breathing in this much oxygen. Giddiness overtook us.